Beach House - Mini Golf Course Theme

Themed Areas - 'The Beach House' Glenelg294 viewsRailway station under construction

Themed Areas - 'The Beach House' Glenelg579 viewsOverall view of mini golf course and major set pieces

Themed Areas - 'The Beach House' Glenelg381 viewsPlay through mining tunnel

Themed Areas - 'The Beach House' Glenelg322 viewsFences and railings complete with scenic art to produce a weathered look

Themed Areas - 'The Beach House' Glenelg359 viewsPlay through tunnel and railway station under construction

Themed Areas - 'The Beach House' Glenelg338 viewsOne of three bridges

Themed Areas - 'The Beach House' Glenelg305 viewsSupport structure for raised building

Themed Areas - 'The Beach House' Glenelg372 viewsRailway station completed